Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chinook Bend RV Resort, Lincoln City, Oregon Day 3

Tuesday – July 10, 2012

It was a beautiful day today. The sun was shining and yet it remained cool. This, we decided, would be the day we would go for a boat ride down the Siletz River, however, that happened later in the afternoon. In the morning we went for our walk on the path facing the Siletz River. Daisy walked the entire way with us and loved every minute of her adventure. The path ended where the doggie trail began so we continued walking that way until we arrived back at the motor home. It was about a half mile walk. Daisy and I both did well but we were glad to be home.

After lunch we decided it was time to go for a motor boat ride. We took Daisy with us. She was as good as gold in the boat. She sat on my lap for most of the hour long trip. When she wasn’t on my lap she was laying on my coat in the bottom of the boat. The scenery was just beautiful and we were the only ones on the river. Our timing was perfect!

Bill has been barbecuing every night we’ve been here and tonight we will are looking forward to a steak dinner. The days pass swiftly. It’s hard to believe that we’ve already been here three days.

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